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How much stress is too much? Lets talk about Allostatic Load.
Allostatic load means the 'total' stress load on the body - the 'sum' of all stress.
If you imagine a bathtub full of water though - at some point if you leave the tap running, it will overflow. Stress works in the same way. There is the capacity to handle the stress, or there just isn't.
Trouble losing weight? Mindfulness might help.
When you’re in a constant state of stress, you’re firing off stress hormones such as cortisol.
The problem with high cortisol and stress levels are that they mess with your blood sugar and literally ‘block’ weight loss attempts.
How to eat when you’re feeling burnt out
The problem is when you're feeling burned out, the last thing you want to hear is that you need to reduce your stress (that's like a red flag to a bull).
The good news is you can start by changing your diet to improve your energy.
How to deal with the voice of our inner critic
Most of us would admit to hearing our inner critic 'speaking' to us. That voice in your head that says - "you're not good enough", "you're going to fail", or "that's too hard".
This voice is trying to keep you safe and is well-intentioned.
Are your warning lights on?
Think of symptoms such as difficulty concentrating, falling or staying asleep, gaining weight or trouble losing weight, digestive or hormone or skin issues and lack of patience as warning lights on your car's dashboard.
All of these are signs that something to do with your health needs your attention.
Can you eat carbs and still lose weight?
Carbohydrates (carbs) have gotten a bad rap. It’s no wonder when you think that both a donut and a banana are both a carb. While some come directly from nature, many others are unrecognizable by the body as ‘food’.
The primary purpose of carbs is to provide fuel for the body. Sounds like you need them then - right? The answer is 'it depends'.
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